International football association board has announced plans to increase the "effective time" of the competition, the world referee director.Pierluigi CollinaSaid that Premier League players will stop wasting time.
He is the chairman of the referee committee of the International Football Federation, and he said: "Aston Villa is valid for 43 minutes against brentford. I don’t think anyone is willing to spend money to watch the game for only 43 minutes. "
According to the data available in Colina, the effective time of Premier League matches is 54.49 minutes, while the effective time of Scottish Premier League matches is even lower, at 50.42 minutes. The effective time of the Champions League competition is 58.07 minutes.
International football association board has decided to use the actual time in five key areas, namely substitution, player injury, penalty and red card, VAR and goal celebration, instead of the estimated value, when calculating the total pause time.

Although this may mean an increase in pause time at first, it is thought that this situation will decrease once players realize that their time is only added.
Colina said, "We have seen that using VAR reduces simulation. How many yellow cards are issued because of simulation now? Very few, because players know that it is meaningless to try to simulate. "
"When the players know that wasting time is meaningless, because that time is compensated, I believe that wasting time will be reduced."
Why the exact time is important-even if the score is 7-0.

Colina said that the extra time in Liverpool’s recent loss to Real Madrid at Anfield was seven minutes, but if the actual wasted time in the second half was correctly evaluated, the time would be increased to 16 minutes.
He said that if the correct guidelines are applied, Liverpool’s seven-goal victory over Manchester United should also add more time.
Colina said: "Last weekend, there were 10 matches in the Premier League. Four of them have more than 10 minutes of extra time, and some other games have no accurate time, probably because the scores are 7-0 and 4-0. "
"In the Liverpool game, four minutes were added in the first half and three minutes in the second half. But he scored six goals in the second half. "

"Maybe at some point in the future, we will make a rule that if there is a big gap between the two teams, no extra time will be given. But this will be written into the rules of the game.
"Now this is common sense, but it is common sense only if it doesn’t affect anyone.
"I can understand that it is difficult to show the correct time when the score is 7-0.
"But if it is stipulated that the whole goal difference may affect the final ranking of the game, it may be different to score a goal or not."