Guangzhou Auto Show presents the world’s first car, new car showcase concepts and trends

    Compared with previous editions, the biggest highlight of this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show is the appearance of the world’s first car. For the five-year-old Guangzhou Auto Show, this is a landmark milestone. In addition to this, there are also 16 new cars of multinational brands and domestic new cars that have made their debut in Asia and China. At the beginning of the new year, it is stunning, fantastical… enough for car fans to enjoy.



    新近在北美上市的全新Infiniti 英菲尼迪2008款M35高端豪华轿车在广州车展高调登场,这也是它在中国的首度亮相。与所有的M系列一样,“优雅的力量”是对2008款M35最好的诠释。其外观将运动与优雅完美结合,Infiniti英菲尼迪家族的“核心驱动力”VQV6引擎使得这辆温文尔雅的品味豪车成为一匹体内蕴藏了280马力,最高扭矩可达到363Nm/4800/rpm的激情座驾。

    ●全新萨博9-3 Aero 2.8T V6——“萨博主义”狂飙

    上海通用以全新萨博9-3全系列的中国首发作为展台揭幕礼。全新萨博9-3系列是“Saab萨博主义”前沿设计理念的最新代言,外观自Saab Aero X概念车采撷灵感,笔触大胆而前卫。浓郁的斯堪地纳维亚半岛风情随处挥洒。向来引以为傲的涡轮动力将演绎出新的惊喜,而首度亮相中国的全新萨博9-3 Aero 2.8T V6车型更让人感受到萨博航空传承的动力狂飙。

    ●名爵MG3 Streetwise——最流行的英伦风潮

    有跨界风格的中国首款英系两厢车MG3 Streetwise是第一次在中国亮相,这种将两厢车的个性化与SUV城市化消费相结合的产物已成为当今英国乃至欧洲大陆最流行的车型,MG名爵把这种流行风潮引入中国,期待它能为国内两厢车市场带来一股全新的英伦劲风。MG 3 Streetwise动力全面超越同级别车型,是同级别车中首个采用1.8L超大升功率全铝赛车级发动机的车,另一款1.4L全铝发动机的升功率为同级别车型中最大。它首次将205宽胎、16寸轮辋和副车架等B级车装备引入两厢车阵营。


    韩国现代专为中国市场量身定做的中级轿车——新伊兰特HDC将在广州车展上实现国内首发上市。HDC原型为韩国现代New Elantra车型,此款车型在海外屡获业内好评,并于2007年7月荣膺Auto Pacific最理想紧凑车型大奖。全新外观设计的HDC车型曲线搭调更趋年轻、动感,细节之处不乏精致、圆润的东方气息。4542×1775×1485mm的外形尺寸,2650mm的轴距让HDC成为了中级车中空间最大的车型。未来HDC将配备1.6L和1.8L两种排量。









    现代首款后轮驱动车型Genesis将在广州车展上完成其在亚洲的首次亮相。它的首次登台是在今年初的纽约国际车展上。Genesis诞生于现代全新开发的后轮驱动平台,配备了现代汽车最新的TAU 4.6升 32气门V8发动机,配合ZF提供的SHIFTRONIC 6挡手自一体变速器。这一动力组合使Genesis能够在6秒钟内完成从静止加速到100km/h。劳恩斯(Rohens)是现代专门为Genesis在中国市场所取的名字。(刘晓林)


Dong Mingzhu said Gree really wants to build a car. Netizen: How much can it sell?

[Global Technology Report Zhou Tao]Recently, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Group, revealed when attending media activities that "Gree really wants to start building cars when it buys new energy enterprises." Dong Mingzhu publicly broke this enough paper. It seems that this is a certain thing. This is also the first time that Dong Mingzhu has confirmed that it will enter the automobile field. Netizens said that Gree wants to build a car, and how much is it appropriate to sell it?

Dong Mingzhu said that in recent years, Gree has made diversified investments, and products such as refrigerators, rice cookers and mobile phones have come out one after another. Now Gree is transforming to produce other products, which is not a whim, but supported by technology and quality. The times are changing, and Gree’s business ideas are also changing. Many people are questioning, are we doing something wrong now that we play cross-border frequently? Gree explained with actions that the current goal of Gree is multi-brand management, so that more China brands can go global. Not long ago, listed companies announced that they planned to issue shares to acquire Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd., and it was rumored that Gree would set foot in the field of new energy vehicle manufacturing. Today, I’m going to break this window paper: Gree is really going to start building cars when it buys new energy enterprises.

Industry insiders told Global Network Technology that it is definitely easier to succeed than making a mobile phone. The air-conditioning industry is too different from the mobile phone industry, but it is more like the automobile industry. The source also expressed the hope that more and more enterprises will enter the automobile industry and make domestic cars.

Gree acquires Zhuhai Yinlong

On March 6th, Gree Electric issued the Announcement on Suspension of Issuance of Shares to Purchase Assets. According to the announcement, the company is planning to issue shares to purchase assets, and the target of the transaction is Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd.

Official website, Zhuhai Yinlong, shows that this company has invested in industrialization since 2009, and it wants to build a new energy closed cycle industrial chain integrating R&D, production, sales and technology of lithium battery, electric vehicle powertrain, complete vehicle and smart grid peak-shaving frequency modulation system.

According to the data, by the end of 2015, Zhuhai Yinlong had built three production bases in Zhuhai, Guangdong, Wu ‘an, Hebei and Shijiazhuang, with an annual production capacity of 33,000 pure electric buses, 100,000 sports multifunctional electric vehicles, 620 million ampere hours of batteries, 5,000 tons of raw materials for lithium titanate batteries and 800MW of energy storage.

According to its official data, in 2015, its sales orders for new energy vehicles were 7,000, with a total output value of 10 billion yuan. Among them, 3,189 pure electric buses were produced, with a cumulative increase of 22.28% and a market share of 3.6%.

Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Sailis Automobile: Building a high-end smart travel life with technological innovation.

    On May 11th, People’s Daily published a series of articles on the theme of China Brand Day, "Driving Innovation to Stimulate Brand Vitality". Among them, Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of Sailis Automobile, introduced the vivid practice of enterprises to play a leading role in innovation and promote high-quality development with the theme of "building a high-end smart travel life with technological innovation". The content is as follows:

   Constructing high-end smart travel life with technological innovation

    Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Sailisi Automobile

    Nowadays, the "digital intelligence" of the automobile industry is reshaping people’s lifestyles. As a technology-based manufacturing enterprise deeply involved in technological innovation, Sailis Automobile always adheres to the innovation drive, and is committed to promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional cars to smart cars and traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, and building a high-end smart life for users with innovative product strength.

Cyrus headquarters located in Shapingba District, Chongqing.

  In the field of innovative product research and development, Celestial Auto actively applies digital intelligence technology, and has successively launched intelligent new energy vehicle solutions with multiple technical paths such as pure electricity and extended range. The sales volume of AITO series models designed and launched has accumulated to 100,000 vehicles. At the same time, Celestial Automobile strives to promote the integrated research and development of intelligent software and hardware, including two major capabilities of "full-stack self-research+system integration", covering five major vehicle functional domains such as intelligent vehicle control, intelligent electronic control, intelligent cockpit, intelligent network connection and intelligent driving.

  Based on its own intelligent manufacturing capability, Celestial Automobile has also cultivated and developed a super electric drive intelligent technology platform, which has realized the comprehensive evolution of the third-generation range extender, drive technology and intelligent control in terms of technology, and met the driving needs of users with low energy consumption, long battery life and high performance. In order to provide a better travel experience for users, Sailis has built an effective machine vision traffic solution, which greatly improves the operation and maintenance efficiency of vehicles.

  Celestial Auto also relies on independent innovation ability, uses digital twin technology to build an intelligent production base, and is committed to building a smart factory that is "leading in China and world-class". Sailisi Smart Factory has stamping, welding, painting and assembly workshops, with more than 1,000 robots working together. The key processes are 100% automated and online 24 hours a day, which effectively reduces labor costs, further improves production efficiency and guarantees product quality.

  All along, Sailis Automobile adheres to the green and low-carbon long-term principle, and adheres to the mission of "promoting the transformation of automobile energy and creating a smart mobile life", and integrates the concept of green environmental protection into the whole product life cycle, covering design, production, logistics and recycling, so as to promote green development and realize low-carbon development.

  Serving users wholeheartedly is the "anchor" for the high-quality development of Sailis. In the 20 years since it was built, the customer service of Celestial Automobile has experienced the transformation from "after-sales maintenance" to "passive service to active service", and then to "software-defined automobile" in response to the trend of the times, but the concept of serving customers wholeheartedly has been firmly practiced for a long time.

David seidler, the screenwriter of The King’s Speech, died at the age of 86.

1905 movie network news According to foreign media reports, senior screenwriterbigdefendSeideler died at the age of 86. According to his agent, david seidler died while fishing in New Zealand on March 16th, local time. David seidler once relied onThe king’s speechWon the best original screenplay award at the 2010 Oscar, and the film also won the best film, director and leading actor at the current Oscar. He has also written plays for many films, such as Onassis: The Richest Man, Subversion Instruction, Pioneers, Stage Love and Our Days. 

In the first quarter, the total retail sales of consumer goods actually increased by 8.1%, and the market continued to be active.

  Cctv newsThe National Bureau of Statistics released the data of consumer goods market in the first quarter today. Meng Qingxin, director of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that China’s consumer goods market continued to be active in the first quarter and the consumption structure continued to be optimized.

  First, the overall consumer goods market continued to be active, and the basic role of consumption in economic growth was further enhanced.

  In terms of nominal growth, in the first quarter, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 9,027.5 billion yuan, up 9.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.1 percentage point faster than that in January-February. Among them, in March, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 2,919.4 billion yuan, up 10.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.4 percentage points faster than that in January-February. In terms of actual growth, after deducting the price factor, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 8.1% in the first quarter, 0.1 percentage points faster than that in January-February; Among them, the actual growth in March was 8.6%, 0.6 percentage points faster.

  Residents’ consumption continues to grow steadily and rapidly, and the market scale continues to expand, which further strengthens the pulling effect on economic growth and becomes a "stabilizer" and a "ballast stone" to keep the economy running smoothly. In the first quarter, the contribution rate of final consumption expenditure to economic growth was 77.8%, which was 46.5 percentage points higher than that of total capital formation.

  Second, emerging formats are booming, and traditional retail continues to pick up.

  With the increasing popularity of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, emerging consumption such as online retailing has developed rapidly. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of February, the total number of mobile Internet users in China reached 1.28 billion, and the cumulative traffic reached 6.89 billion GB, up by 14.8% and 186% respectively. There were 1.19 billion users using mobile phones to access the Internet, and the Internet traffic reached 6.72 billion GB, up 206% year-on-year, accounting for 97.5% of the total mobile Internet traffic. In the first quarter, the national online retail sales reached 1,931.8 billion yuan, an increase of 35.4%. Among them, the retail sales of physical goods was 1,456.7 billion yuan, up by 34.4%, and the growth rate was 24.6 percentage points higher than the total retail sales of social consumer goods, accounting for 16.1% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods.

  While the emerging formats are growing rapidly, the traditional retail industry actively expands sales channels, accelerates online and offline integration, and continues to maintain a warming trend. According to estimates, in the first quarter, the retail sales of entities above designated size, including supermarkets, department stores and specialty store, increased by 8.9% over the previous year, and the growth rate increased by 1.7 percentage points over the same period of last year; Among them, the retail sales of supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores above designated size increased by 7.7%, 5.5% and 9.6% respectively year-on-year, which was 2.5%, 1.0% and 3.9% higher than the same period of last year, while that of specialty store increased by 9.5% year-on-year, and the growth rate was basically the same as that of the same period of last year.

  Third, the consumption upgrade trend continued, and the basic living consumption increased rapidly.

  With the in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and the steady growth of residents’ income, residents’ personalized, quality and diversified consumption needs are constantly expanding. Some commodities related to consumption upgrading continued to maintain rapid growth. In the first quarter, cosmetics, household appliances and other commodities of units above designated size increased by 16.1% and 11.4% year-on-year, respectively, 6.2 and 3.4 percentage points faster than the same period of last year; Automobile products increased by 7.4%, and the growth rate accelerated by 5.1 percentage points. Among them, new energy vehicles and sport utility passenger vehicles (SUVs), which represent the direction of automobile consumption upgrading, grew strongly. According to the statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first quarter, new energy vehicles sold 143,000 vehicles, up 154.3% year-on-year; The sales of sport utility passenger cars (SUVs) reached 2.655 million, up 11.3% year-on-year.

  At the same time of the transformation and upgrading of residents’ consumption, basic living goods continued to grow steadily. In the first quarter, clothing, shoes, hats, needles, textiles and daily necessities of units above designated size increased by 9.8% and 12.3% year-on-year, respectively, accelerating by 3.6 and 3.8 percentage points over the same period of last year, and grain, oil and food also maintained a rapid growth of more than 10%. The catering revenue of units above designated size increased by 8.0% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.7 percentage points faster than that of the same period of last year.

  Fourth, the urban and rural structure continued to be optimized, and the proportion of rural markets increased.

  In recent years, the income growth rate of rural residents has continued to be faster than that of cities and towns. The consumption infrastructure such as transportation, logistics and communication in rural areas has been further improved, and e-commerce has been continuously extended to the vast rural areas to promote the continuous release of rural residents’ consumption potential. In the first quarter, the total retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas was 1,317.9 billion yuan, up by 10.7% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1 percentage point higher than that in cities and towns, accounting for 14.6% of the consumer goods market, up by 0.1 percentage point over the same period of last year.

  Five, the rapid development of tourism and entertainment market, consumer will continue to increase.

  Residents’ cultural entertainment and tourism consumption continued to maintain rapid growth. In the first quarter, the total box office of national movies exceeded 20 billion yuan for the first time, up by 39.8% year-on-year, of which the box office of domestic movies was 15 billion yuan, up by 93.2%, accounting for 74.2% of the total box office from 53.7% in the same period of last year, and continued to occupy a dominant position in the market. The tourism market continues to be hot, and residents’ enthusiasm for traveling is high. According to the comprehensive calculation of the data center of the National Tourism Administration, the whole country received more than 380 million tourists during the Spring Festival this year, up 12.1% year-on-year, and realized tourism revenue of 475 billion yuan, up 12.6% year-on-year.

  With the steady growth of residents’ income and the steady improvement of employment situation, China’s residents’ consumer confidence and willingness to consume continue to increase. According to the consumer confidence survey conducted by the China Economic Climate Monitoring Center of the National Bureau of Statistics, in February, the consumer confidence index of China was 124.0, 1.7 points higher than that of the previous month and 17.9 points higher than the average since 2012, reaching a record high. Among them, the satisfaction index reflecting consumers’ views on the current situation is 119.0, 1.8 points higher than last month and 18.2 points higher than the average since 2012; The expected index reflecting consumers’ views on the future situation is 127.4, 1.7 points higher than last month and 17.7 points higher than the average since 2012.

   Six, the supply of consumer goods is stable, and the demand for consumer logistics is strong

  The industrial production of consumer goods grew steadily and rapidly. In the first quarter, the added value of pharmaceutical, food, computer and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries maintained rapid growth, which was higher than the growth rate of industrial added value above designated size in the same period. Investment in communication, culture, sports, entertainment and education, which are directly related to consumption, has grown rapidly. In the first quarter, investment in culture, sports and entertainment increased by 25.3% year-on-year, 15.9 percentage points faster than the same period of last year; Investment in education increased by 26.9%, accelerating by 14.7 percentage points; The investment in computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing increased by 15.4%, and the transportation, warehousing and postal services increased by 9.7%, all of which were significantly faster than the average growth rate of fixed assets investment in China.

  With the continuous expansion of total consumption, the demand for logistics is strong. In January and February, the total amount of social logistics was 36.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%, and the growth rate was 0.8 percentage points higher than that of the same period of last year. Among them, the total logistics of units and residents’ goods increased by 32.7%. The business volume of express delivery service enterprises nationwide totaled 5.97 billion pieces, an increase of 31.2%.

  Driven by the continuous structural reform on the supply side and the steady growth of residents’ income, the vitality and stamina of domestic demand development will continue to be released, new formats will grow rapidly and new business models will emerge, and traditional physical retail will continue to pick up. China’s consumer goods market is expected to continue to maintain rapid growth. (CCTV reporter Li Juan)

Collaborate for innovation and explore new knowledge hand in hand-China has made great achievements in international cooperation in science and technology.

  The neutrino experiment project of Daya Bay nuclear reactor was led by scientists from China, and about 40 institutions from seven countries and regions participated in it. The picture shows the relevant experimental equipment.

  Recently, the experimental device designed by China arrived at the International Space Station with the Falcon 9 rocket. With the help of commercial cooperation mode, Chinese researchers successfully bypassed the "Wolf Clause" and joined hands with their American counterparts to explore space. At the 2017 Global Space Exploration Conference, it was reported that China Chang ‘e IV, which is scheduled to be launched in 2018, will fly to the moon with scientific loads from four countries, including the Netherlands and Germany, for scientific exploration.

  All these show that in the era of "global village" in which globalization is surging, China scientists conform to the development trend, actively participate in and vigorously promote international scientific and technological cooperation, and work together with international scientific and technological counterparts to make their own contributions to promoting their understanding of the world.

  "Big Science" Cooperation as the Guide

  Since you are involved, you should make greater contributions and play a greater role as much as possible. This is the principle that China has always adhered to in international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange. It’s not easy to do this, but scientists in China have found sufficient confidence from their practice in recent years. They have not only completed their own tasks, but also played a leading role in organizing some major international scientific projects.

  In April this year, the international cooperation project on human phenotypic research (one of the major international scientific projects, which is thought to crack the code of human birth, illness and death) entered the final stage before it was fully launched. The project was presided over by China scholars such as Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Jin Li, Vice President of Fudan University, with the participation of hundreds of global scientists. Previously, scientists from China have taken the lead in participating in some major international science projects. For example, the neutrino experiment in Daya Bay nuclear reactor stood out from eight experimental schemes around the world, and formed an international cooperative research team led by Wang Yifang, director of Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and composed of 40 institutions from seven countries and regions around the world. In March 2012, the experimental team announced the discovery of a new neutrino oscillation, which won high recognition from the international physics community. Robert mckee Weng, a well-known American scientist, believes that this discovery can be said to be the most important physical (experimental) result from China.

  Known as "Artificial Sun", ITER is the largest international scientific and technological cooperation program in which China participates as an equal and full-fledged partner. Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of the important units of the China Working Group participating in this project. According to Wu Yu, director of the Applied Superconducting Engineering Technology Research Office of the Institute, most of the projects undertaken by China in this cooperation plan are related to superconductivity and power supply. At present, the large-scale superconducting conductor technology and quality system independently developed by China have passed the evaluation of international organizations, and the delivery of large-scale products has been completed for the first time in ITER plan, with 100% localization and 100% qualification rate. While participating in ITER construction, China scientists have begun to plan and build the future China nuclear fusion engineering experimental reactor. According to reports, the overall design scheme of the experimental reactor has been completed, and the pre-research work is currently being carried out. It can be predicted that China scientists will play a greater role and make more outstanding contributions in the international grand scientific plan of peaceful use of nuclear energy for human controlled nuclear fusion.

  Develop "step by step" in three periods.

  International cooperation and exchange is an inevitable requirement of opening up to the outside world in the field of science and technology. Under the background of globalization, the links between countries are getting closer and closer, and the importance of international cooperation and exchange in science and technology is becoming increasingly prominent. As Xu Guanhua, former Minister of Science and Technology, once pointed out, the motive force of scientific and technological development lies in the collision of different ideas and cultures. Through extensive and in-depth international exchanges and cooperation, fully absorb the wisdom and technological advantages of others, which is in line with the inherent requirements of the development of science and technology itself. In the new historical period, independent innovation should be based on the strategic idea of constantly expanding and strengthening international scientific and technological cooperation and making full use of global scientific and technological resources.

  Based on the analysis of researcher Cheng Ruyan of China Institute of Science and Technology Information, we can generally divide the development of international cooperation and exchange of science and technology in China into three periods since the reform and opening up.

  The first is the recovery period (1978-1985). The National Science Conference held in March, 1978 proposed "strengthening international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange", "inviting foreign scientists and engineering experts to give lectures in China" and "strengthening the scientific and technological research work of our overseas institutions". During this period, China determined the specific policy of international scientific and technological cooperation at this stage, adjusted the centralized management of scientific and technological foreign affairs, established the management system of talent introduction, and strengthened the scientific and technological research of foreign institutions.

  The second is the period of all-round development (1985-2000). 《1986— The Science and Technology Development Plan 2000 puts forward policies and measures to further strengthen international science and technology cooperation and technology introduction, and points out that it is necessary to further organize and formulate unified technology introduction policies and plans. During this period, the international science and technology cooperation policy further strengthened and standardized the technology introduction work; Strengthen the guidance and management of joint research and development institutions; Made a decision to actively join international science and technology organizations; Standardize the protection of intellectual property rights in international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges.

  The third is the period of great leap (from 2000 to present). China has established the policy of "mutual benefit and win-win" and carried out international scientific and technological cooperation in an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging way. During this period, the international science and technology cooperation policy showed four characteristics: promoting international science and technology cooperation from the national strategic level; Strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation and set up special funds for international scientific and technological cooperation; Actively participate in and take the lead in organizing the international big science and big project plan; Strengthen technical assistance to developing countries.

  The government and the people set each other off.

  According to Ye Dongbai, director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China’s international cooperation and exchange in science and technology has made great achievements in the past 40 years since the reform and opening up. He listed a series of relevant statistics. Up to now, China has scientific and technological cooperation relations with about 160 countries and regions, has signed more than 110 intergovernmental scientific and technological cooperation agreements, joined more than 200 intergovernmental international scientific and technological cooperation organizations, and sent about 150 scientific and technological diplomats to more than 70 foreign embassies and consulates around the world. China has opened nine innovative dialogue mechanisms with major countries and regions in the world (China-US, Central Europe, China-Germany, China-France, China-Israel, China-Pakistan (West), China-Russia, China-Canada, China and Belgium), and established six scientific and technological partnership programs with developing countries (China Africa, China ASEAN, China South Asia, SCO countries, Latin American countries and Arab countries), which basically achieved global coverage for developing countries.

  Ye Dongbai pointed out that China’s international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges are unprecedentedly active. On the international stage, we have shown a positive and enterprising spirit and put forward new ideas, initiatives and plans for cooperation and exchanges. Committed to creating a new pattern of paying equal attention to "bringing in" and "going out" in international scientific and technological exchanges. With regard to the related work promoted this year, Ye Dongbai said that China will formulate country-specific cooperation strategies with Britain, Italy, Israel and other countries on the basis of the experience of publishing the German Strategy for Building the Future through Science and Technology Innovation in 2016. According to the plan, China-EU scientific and technological innovation cooperation will usher in several important activities, including the third China-EU innovation cooperation dialogue, the second China-France innovation dialogue, the deep docking between China and German Industry 4.0, and the docking cooperation between China High-tech Zone and Italian industrial clusters.

  While actively exploring and utilizing the traditional international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange platform, China is also building and building a new platform. The "One Belt, One Road" of "openness, tolerance, cooperation, co-construction and sharing" is undoubtedly one of the best platforms to benefit the scientific and technological innovation of countries along the route. At the summit forum on "One Belt, One Road" international cooperation held in mid-May, China announced the launch of the "One Belt, One Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan, and carried out four actions: scientific and technological humanities exchange, joint laboratory construction, cooperation in science and technology parks and technology transfer. It promises to arrange 2,500 young scientists to engage in short-term scientific research in China in the next five years, train 5,000 scientific, technical and managerial personnel, and put 50 joint laboratories into operation. Advocate countries along the route to strengthen cooperation in frontier areas such as digital economy and artificial intelligence, and promote the construction of big data, cloud computing and smart cities.

  Promoting non-governmental scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges between China and foreign countries is an important dimension of China’s scientific and technological opening up. China Association for Science and Technology, as a mass organization of scientific and technical workers in China, has intensified its efforts in recent years to support and help China scientists to participate in international scientific and technological organizations and hold posts, and to support and encourage the Society to hold a series of meetings of high-level international organizations in China. At the level of various enterprises, a large number of Chinese and foreign scientific and technological workers have gone abroad and realized transnational flow, which not only deepened cultural exchanges, but also promoted innovation and entrepreneurship.

How can Chongqing’s automobile industry develop? Industry experts gather to share cutting-edge technologies.

Recently, the theme activity of "Automobile Lightweight" expert achievement sharing was successfully held in China Chongqing National Expert Service Base. Experts and scholars from China Academy of Engineering and well-known universities and enterprises in China gathered together to bring forward cutting-edge thinking and share the latest research results around the development trend of automobile lightweight technology, the research and application of lightweight materials, the design and manufacture of automobile lightweight, and the lightweight technology of new energy vehicles. The signing ceremony of "China Mg-Al Alloy Oversize Casting R&D Center" was also held.

Academician experts prescribe for automobile "weight reduction"

Help achieve national security and the goal of "double carbon"

In short, automobile lightweight means "slimming" the automobile, realizing "going on the road lightly", and reducing the automobile quality as much as possible on the premise of ensuring the strength, safety and reliability of the automobile, so as to achieve the purposes of improving automobile power, saving energy and reducing emissions.

Then, under the background of national security strategy and "double carbon", how can Chongqing’s automobile lightweight develop?

"To achieve national security and the goal of’ double carbon’, it is very important to improve the effect of automobile energy conservation and emission reduction. Lightweight is the most realistic and effective way to save energy and emission reduction in the automobile field." Pan Fusheng, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, said in his speech that the theme activity of "Automobile Lightweight" experts’ achievement sharing not only reflects the high integration of enterprises, universities and research institutes, but also highlights the national and international characteristics. He hopes to take this event as an opportunity to integrate national strength and promote the development of Chongqing’s automobile industry through training, so as to turn Chongqing’s "automobile city" into China’s "automobile capital" and even become the "city of hope" and "city of dreams" of the entire global automobile industry.

Chu Shuangjie, the chief scientist of China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., believes that in terms of automobile hard steel and lightweight, it is necessary not only to make this steel, but also to allow auto parts factories to make parts. Now, iron and steel enterprises are also pursuing the lightweight of the whole car body, and are developing in the direction of higher strength grade and thinner wall thickness. Xiong Baiqing pointed out that aluminum alloy panels with high technical difficulty and large potential consumption have gradually become a new development hotspot in automobile manufacturing all over the world. With the improvement of localization efficiency, there is great potential in the field of lightweight automobile panels.

Shi Danghe, director of the technical system of Celeste automobile platform, said that at the macro level, lightweight is the driving force for the application of new technologies in enterprises and a comprehensive embodiment of the development of new technologies in an enterprise. On the executive level, lightweight is beneficial to the enterprise, and it should also be experienced and perceived by users.

"This is a feast with high technical gold content. Based on the actual situation of the industry, experts introduced the current technological breakthroughs, innovative applications, pain cases and future development of automobile lightweight, which provided a new path for our automobile manufacturing enterprises to upgrade their quality. I hope that I will have the opportunity to cooperate with the expert team in the future to jointly help the development of automobile lightweight technology." Chen Bo, a representative of the participating enterprises, said.

At the event site, the collision of the cutting-edge ideas of automobile lightweight, the confrontation of top technologies and the appearance of the latest achievements, generate always has a wonderful spark, which is a "two-way trip" for talent innovation and industrial development.

Innovating to Build a High-end Docking Platform for Expert Achievements

Let scientific and technological achievements "turn" into new kinetic energy for development

In the work report of Chongqing municipal government in 2024, it is proposed that Chongqing will persist in promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and vigorously cultivate new quality productivity.

In this regard, Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has innovated to create a high-end docking platform integrating the release, promotion and service of expert achievements. As the "first show" of the high-end docking platform for experts’ achievements, the theme activity of "Automobile Lightweight" focused on the development of Chongqing’s automobile lightweight industry, and performed a "drama" that featured the debut of the new achievements of "Magnesium alloy super-large automobile die-casting structural parts", the signing of the new platform of "China Magnesium-aluminum alloy super-large casting R&D Center" and the centralized release of key new technologies for automobile lightweight, and achieved a smooth start and a good start.

Production is the foundation of talent and the soul of production, and the integration of production and talent is the key to play the role of talent-driven. The high-end docking platform for expert achievements adopts the mode of "industry leading, government guiding and market participation", and invites top experts (teams) in various industries to introduce new trends in industry development, release major scientific and technological innovation projects, display great achievements of expert labor, and promote the allocation of innovative resources and the application transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Chea Sim, member of the party group and deputy director of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that he would focus on the deployment and improvement of the talent chain around the industrial chain innovation chain, and continue to support the development of the automobile industry from the aspects of setting up expert studios, Post-Doctoral Research Center, job title evaluation, talent project selection and expert service, so as to further condense the surging wisdom of building a modern industrial system.

"China Mg-Al Alloy Oversize Casting R&D Center" was signed and established.

Help Chongqing build a world-class intelligent networked new energy automobile industry cluster.

Taking the achievement sharing activity as the service platform, the government departments actively "matched the bridge", which promoted the joint efforts of Chongqing University, Baowu Magnesium Industry and Chongqing Meilixin. During the activity, the "China Mg-Al Alloy Oversize Casting R&D Center" (hereinafter referred to as the R&D Center) was formally signed and established.

The advantages of the three parties complement each other and share resources, realizing a win-win model of 1+1+1>3. It is understood that the R&D center will realize technical joint research, common difficulties and achievements sharing, jointly develop new magnesium-aluminum alloy materials, develop advanced preparation and processing technologies for oversize castings, solve technical and technological problems in the actual production of magnesium-aluminum alloy oversize castings, accelerate the transformation of advanced scientific and technological achievements in the National Magnesium Center, and strive to build a world-class technology platform for magnesium-aluminum alloy oversize castings.

Jiang Bin, director of the R&D center, said that after the establishment of the center, it will plan to strengthen the development of super-large magnesium-aluminum alloy materials and components themselves, and strive to promote large-scale production and application. In the future, more OEMs will join this platform, and gather wisdom to promote Chongqing to build a world-class intelligent networked new energy automobile industry cluster.


Writer Li Chungang: Killing Year Pig Cooking Miscellaneous Vegetables; The Reunion Dinner in Xitougou, Erlang Mountain, Western Sichuan; Oral Folk Custom; My Spring Festival Memory.

Text | Li Chungang
Xitougou is a natural village under Erlang Mountain in Sijing Town, tianquan county, Ya ‘an City, Sichuan Province. For me, the year of Xitougou begins on the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month.
At this time, those Xitougou people who have worked outside for a whole year are almost back, and I always have time to go back until the end of the year. Therefore, as soon as they return to Xitougou, they will call me one after another, or arrange for the younger generation, or even call me after receiving instructions from a handful of elders who are getting older and less and less every year to determine when I will go back, so that they can arrange the reunion dinner.
▲ Lianggen drawing
Because it is located between the mountains in western Sichuan, the reunion dinner in Xitougou is obviously different from other places. This difference is not only what we have called it since we were born, but also the content of the reunion dinner, which has always been the same: chicken, duck, fish and meat. Meat, especially pork, is essential for every family; Chicken, duck, and fish are three kinds, depending on their habits, tastes, and even economic conditions. For many years from small to large, almost every family in Xitougou only ate pork, and it seems that overnight, every family can have whatever they want on the dinner table of the family reunion dinner.
Pork is specific, but it can’t be shaken by thunder. After winter, the slaughtered pigs are smeared with salt and hung on the stove. After a few days of smoking, they become a dried pig’s head, a "sitting pier" with tail, intestines, tongue and belly-with a "head" and a "tail", plus viscera, which indicates completeness and perfection-before cooking the new year’s meal, they are removed from the stove and burned off the remaining hairs on the skin.
▲ Kill the Year Pig (photo by Jian Hong)
The most noteworthy thing is that it is cooked with pork into "miscellaneous vegetables". The so-called miscellaneous food actually includes four kinds: dried bamboo shoots, dried green beans, kelp and radish, so it is called miscellaneous food, which is about an ancestor who started from the long-term monotonous diet in Xitougou and then passed it on from mouth to mouth. Xitougou, located in the mountains, is rich in bamboo shoots. Every late spring and early summer, drying mats (mats made of bamboo sticks and specially used for drying grain and vegetables) are placed in the drying dam in front of almost every house. Those bamboo shoots collected from the mountains and left after three meals a day are cooked and spread in the drying mats, and after several fierce suns, they become dried bamboo shoots. The processing method of dried green beans is the same, except that green beans need to be planted by themselves, and the production season is later than bamboo shoots. Kelp, on the other hand, was bought back from the supermarket in the market years ago and washed after soaking in water in advance.
After the pork in the cauldron is cooked, take it out of the cauldron. After the dried bamboo shoots, dried green beans and kelp are almost cooked, put the big white radish pieces that have just been pulled up from the ground, and then open them for a while, and a cauldron full of "miscellaneous vegetables" will become. What is not eaten at the reunion dinner is served in a big bowl and becomes an essential dish for every meal. After eating "miscellaneous vegetables", it is almost "broken five". Strange to say, on other days, the "miscellaneous vegetables" cooked with the same materials and the same cooker and firewood could never taste the same as the reunion dinner.
This past New Year, I finally got back to Xitougou the day before New Year’s Eve. When I got back, it was like rushing to the scene. Every family had a family reunion dinner: my brother-in-law’s family, my family, my big cousin’s family, my adopted mother’s family, my seventh brother’s family, and Hua Ge’s family … until the abdominal distension was like a drum, and nothing could fit in their bellies. Even so, several of them failed to participate after being invited.
Name card:
Li Chungang, born in 1973, is the deputy chief physician of orthopedic surgery, a member of Chinese Writers Association, a member of the whole committee of Sichuan Writers Association and a member of the Prose Committee. His main works are essays, Crying for Pain, Migrating Water Flowing Through, Physical Illness and so on.
▲ Li Chungang

British media talk about the reasons for the decline of football in China: they only care about the present and don’t care about the future at all.

  Recently, according to the domestic media "Netease Sports" quoted the British media "The Sun" as a report, "The Sun" specially sent a long article to analyze the collapse of Super League football, pointing out the chaos behind China football. Although all views may not be correct, the attitude of onlookers is also worth learning and reflecting.

  The British media wrote: From a seemingly rising football power to a complete failure, the prosperity and collapse of football in China are so rapid and violent. At one time, China, like Saudi Arabia now, was the focus of football all over the world. In the 2016-17 season, the Super League began to burn unparalleled money. At that time, they were the most expensive leagues in the world. Super League teams use astronomical wages to attract top players to join, so as to become a football superpower and attract the attention of the world. Their expenses amounted to 320 million pounds, including signing an Oscar from Chelsea for 60 million pounds.

  When talking about football in China, Charles Cardoso, president of a club in Sao Paulo, Brazil, said that everyone believed that China people would do something important in football. China’s transfer market is absolutely crazy. Everyone wants to send their players there because there is plenty of money there. China people think that you can play football if you have money, but money is not the whole of football. You must have correct management and planning. They only care about the present and don’t care about the future at all.

  "The Super League just threw the money out, but it didn’t have any practical effect. For more than ten years, China football has been in ruins, and many football fields have been abandoned. Guangzhou Evergrande, the most successful team in the history of Super League, has a debt of up to 240 billion pounds. Many players didn’t get paid and sued FIFA. Suning Club directly closed down. " The article also mentioned. "In fact, the top-level idea of China managers is good, and the problem lies in the following planners and executors. These people don’t know what it means to host the World Cup, let alone win it. " Dr Rob Wilson, an expert on football finance in sheffield hallam university, believes that China people are trying to buy the gap in football development in the previous 150 years with money and want to win the World Cup. Facts have proved that this is impossible.

  In addition, the report also mentioned that in April 2020, Evergrande started construction of a stadium with a capacity of 100,000 people at a cost of 1.4 billion pounds in Guangzhou. Investor Xu Jiayin said that this stadium will become a world-class landmark building like Sydney Opera House and Burj Khalifa in Dubai. However, after half of the construction, the stadium was confiscated by the government and auctioned.

  Proofread Xu Heng

Awkward! Xinjiang’s super foreign aid scored 6 points in 2 wars, and huge investment was wasted? Fans: Please come, Grandpa.

Recently, the CBA held the Summer League, and the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team participated in the Futian Station. In the end, they defeated the Shenzhen team hard last night and won the championship. Although it is gratifying to win the championship, the gold content of this champion is not high. Two foreign AIDS participated in the competition, while the Shenzhen team fought in the all-China class. In fact, the Shenzhen team almost killed the game in the first overtime. The Xinjiang team relied on Shalamu’s last three free throws and the third penalty to deliberately miss, grabbed the rebound and tied the score, and entered the second overtime. In the end, they also won 4 points. The Xinjiang team played very hard, many people were sent off, and Lutubula slammed Li Muhao with his foot after falling to the ground, which almost caused a big conflict and was criticized by the media. Personally, I don’t think such a game is worth taking too seriously. What if I get hurt?

Although the Xinjiang team has made up for the lineup this summer, attracting center Wu Guanxi, national team defender Zhao Rui and top foreign aid Jones from Jilin, from the recent game, the inside line is still their shortcoming and not a perfect configuration. They played three games in Futian Station of the Summer League. Except for one rebound, they lost to their opponents in the other two games, losing four rebounds to Guangzhou and seven rebounds to Shenzhen. Shenzhen is still an all-China class, and Shen Zijie, a high center, did not participate in the competition. Under such circumstances, the Xinjiang team lost to its opponents in rebounding, which shows that the Xinjiang team’s inside line is still a short board. It’s good that Xinjiang team can reach the semi-finals this season, and it seems a bit difficult to win the championship.

The Xinjiang team changed all foreign AIDS this summer, and three new foreign AIDS were signed. One of the big foreign AIDS was ed davis, who was short in height and slim enough to reinforce the inside. In recent games, his performance was average, and he was actually not the original big foreign aid Farr. Jones, an old super foreign aid from Jilin team, may not be suitable for Xinjiang team. Without three points, he will only break through. His shooting percentage is low and he has the right to the ball. He can only be suitable for those teams that can’t compete for the championship. In the recent summer league, Jones’ performance was very average, which can be said to be bad. In the game against Shenzhen last night, he only scored 4 points after playing for more than 20 minutes (although he also provided 13 assists), and only got 2 points and 3 assists from Guangzhou. Jones scored 6 points in both wars, averaging 3 points per game. The other game scored 8 points. The shooting percentage is 25% for one game, 17% for one game, and 40% for another game. On the whole, the shooting percentage is relatively low, which is totally incompatible with super foreign aid, and has a huge gap with his average of 26.8 points in Jilin team.

Jones has another shortcoming, that is, he has a strong personality and is a well-known thorn in the side. When playing for Jilin, he often complains and bombards the team, which is a foreign aid that is difficult to manage. Who can guarantee that he won’t be "sick" again in Xinjiang team? I can’t promise. Xinjiang team is different from Jilin team. They have many defenders and scores many people. Jones can’t play as much in Xinjiang team as he did in Jilin team, and he doesn’t have as many ball rights as he did in Jilin team. Sometimes Jones’ high scores in Jilin are all won by waves.

Judging from the recent performance, Jones is in poor form, averaging 3 points per game in the last two bolts, and 4.6 points per game in the whole Futian station. Guo Jian signed him to get 3 points and 4 points? It is very likely that the huge investment of Xinjiang team hit Shui Piao. The fans said that the Xinjiang team invited an uncle and a thorn in the head, and I don’t know how the Xinjiang team will serve him then.